Mouse Training

This program has been designed to train students to use their computer mouse. It specifically focuses on moving the mouse and clicking at the right time or place.

Choose the program you want to run by clicking on it.
Click on the “Help” button to view the help contents. The help file opens in a separate window.
Click on the “About” button to view the profile of this company.
To close this “Mouse Training” program, click on the “Exit” button.

These sub-programs are:

1. Following Objects

Click on the title “Following Objects” on the main screen to run this program.

When this program opens, there is an object (for instance, a basketball) at the center of the program screen. There is also the mouse pointer, which is a hand. The student tries to catch the basketball by touching it with the hand and clicking on it. Whenever he/she touches the basketball, it moves away. To catch it, they should follow it every time it jumps away. When the student catches the basketball and clicks it, the relevant congratulatory animation appears. This animation runs for ten seconds (Click on the animation to stop it at any time). The next object comes up and student tries to catch that object in the same way.

There are six objects in this program. They are basketball, baseball, soccer ball, cat, space shuttle, and car.

>> and <<
By clicking on “>>” or “<<” the student can go to the next or the previous set of activities.
Click this button to close this program and return to the main screen.
2. Following the Object's Path

Click on the title “Following the Object’s Path” on the main screen to run this program.

There is a row of six items (for instance, soccer ball) at the bottom of the screen. There six other items (in this instance, soccer goals) at the top of the screen. The student puts the hand (mouse pointer) on one of the soccer balls, which then moves toward the goal. The student pushes the ball into the goal by following the ball with the hand. When the six balls have entered the goals, the relevant congratulatory animation appears. This animation runs for ten seconds (Click on the animation to stop it at any time). The next set of objects comes up and the student should follow or push those objects in the same way.

There are ten sets of objects in this program. They are soccer ball and goal, basketball and net, butterfly and flower, baseball and bat, cat and mouse, racing car and checkered flag, crocodile and river, helicopter and landing pad, space shuttle and moon, and warrior and enemy.

There are two options for the mouse movement.

Mouse Move
This option is selected by default. Move the mouse pointer over the object to push it.
Mouse Click
In “Mouse Click” mode, the student should move the hand over the object and then click to make the object move.
Click on the “Refresh” button to start this activity again.
>> and <<
By clicking on “>>” or “<<” the student can view the next or the previous set of activities.
Click this button to close this program and to return to the main screen.
3. Finding the Blinking Object

Click on the title “Finding the Blinking Object” on the main screen to run this program.

When this program opens, there are four pictures on the program screen, one at each corner. One of the pictures blinks. The student should click on the blinking picture if using the “Mouse Click” option (or just touch it with the hand if using the “Mouse Over” option).

When the blinking object is clicked on (or touched), an animation relevant to the picture plays. This animation runs for a ten seconds (Click on the animation to stop it at any time).

Click on this button to get to the next set of four objects.
Mouse Click
When this option is selected, the student should move the hand over the blinking object and then click.
Mouse Over
This option is selected by default. The student should just move the mouse pointer over the blinking object.
Click this button to close this program and to return to the main screen.
4. Catching Fish

Click on the title “Catching Fish” and then click on the “Play” button of the next screen that appears.

The student catches the swimming fish by clicking on it (Each time the fish gets caught, the student gets one point.).

In the default settings, the student has to collect ten points in thirty seconds time to win.

If the student succeeds, the congratulatory animation runs. If not, “You missed it” appears. A “Try Again” button appears at the bottom right of the screen; click it to play again.

Click on the “Settings” button to set the speed of the fish, time, and points to win. Move the mouse pointer away from the Setting Box to close it.
When you click the “Settings” button, it refreshes the program.
There are slow, medium and fast speeds available for the swimming fish. The default is slow.
There are 30-, 45-, and 60-second times for the game. 30 seconds is the default.
Points to win
The student can win the game by scoring 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 points, depending on the setting. The default setting is 10.
Try Again
Click this button to play the game again.
Click this button to close this program and to return to the main screen.
5. Painting

Click on the title “Painting” on the main screen to run this program.

Here, the mouse pointer is a hand holding a paintbrush. There is an outline of a figure at the center of the screen. The student moves the paintbrush over the figure to paint it. When the painting is finished (with 50%, 75% or 100% done, depending on the setting) an appropriate animation appears.

Click on the “Settings” button to set the “Painting Completion When”, “Alarm”, and “Music” settings. Move the mouse pointer away from the Setting Box to close it.
Alarm When Painting Done Out of Area
When this is checked, an alarm sounds whenever the paintbrush leaves the figure.
Music When Painting the Drawing
When this is checked, music plays as the student paints.
No Sound (Default)
This is the default. When this is checked, there will be no alarm and no music.
Painting Completion When
There are three options under this title. 100% is the default. That means the student has to paint the whole area of the figure. With the other options, the painting is “complete” when it is 50% or 75% filled.
Click on this button to get to the next figure.


Click on this button to get to the previous figure.

Click this button to close this program and to return to the main screen.
<h3style=”color: #990000;”>6. Games

There are eight games under this title. When the student clicks on this title, a page that lists the eight games appears.

These sub-programs are:

1. Popping Balloons

This program opens with an instruction screen. Click on the “Play” button to start the game.

Balloons rise from bottom of the screen. The mouse pointer is an aiming cross. Put the aiming cross on a balloon and click to pop the balloon. Each time the student pops a balloon, he/she gets a point.

Ten points wins the game, and a congratulatory animation appears. There is no time limit. Click “Refresh” to play again.

There are three animal icons on top of the screen. They are speed settings for the balloons. The turtle is slow, the bear is medium and the leopard is fast. Slow is the default.

2. Breaking Bubbles

This program opens with an instruction screen. Click on the “Play” button to start the game.

This game is the same as Popping Balloons, except that there are bubbles instead of balloons and a finger instead of an aiming cross.

3. Eating Octopus

This program opens with an instruction screen. Click on the “Play” button to start the game.

This game is similar to Popping Balloons, except that here the mouse pointer is a shark and the rising items are octopuses. When the student clicks on an octopus, the shark eats it.

4. Target Shooting

This program opens with an instruction screen. Click on the “Play” button to start the game.

In this game, targets move horizontally across the top of the screen. At the bottom of the screen is a bow. The student uses the mouse to move the bow left or right, and clicks the mouse when he/she wants to shoot the arrow. The student gets a point for each target he/she hits with the arrow.

All other features are similar to “Popping Balloons”.

5. Flower & Butterfly

This program opens with an instruction screen. Click on the “Play” button to start the game.

Here, the mouse pointer is a flower. The butterfly tries to sit on the flower. The student keeps the flower away from the butterfly by moving the mouse pointer.

The student wins by scoring ten points. He/she scores a point for each second that he/she keeps the flower away from the butterfly. The default score to win is ten seconds or ten points. Use “Settings” to change it.

When the student wins, he/she will be congratulated. If the butterfly catches the flower, “Butterfly got the flower” appears on the screen, and the student can click the “Try Again” button.

Click on the “Settings” button to choose “Mouse Move” or “Mouse Click” and to set “Points to win”. Move the mouse pointer away from the Setting Box to close it.
Mouse Move
This option is selected by default. Move the mouse pointer to keep the flower away from the butterfly.
Mouse Click
In “Mouse Click” mode, the student should move the hand (Mouse Pointer) away from the butterfly and click. The flower will appear wherever the hand was when the student clicked.
Points to win
Ten points is the default. Other options available are 20, 30, 40 and 50. The butterfly moves faster as the game progresses.
6. Collecting Eggs

This program opens with an instruction screen. Click on the “Play” button to start the game.

This game teaches the student the “drag and drop” skill.

This game’s screen shows a farm. There is a basket in the lower right-hand corner, and a shaded area in the middle. The student should click on the shaded area to make the chicken appear, and click on the chicken to make it lay eggs. The student clicks on each egg and drags and drops (holds down the left button as he/she drags) the egg to the basket (Put the egg anywhere but the basket and it returns to its original place under the chicken).

The student scores a point for each egg that he/she puts in the basket, and wins by putting 10 eggs in the basket. The easy (low speed) game, which allows 90 seconds to collect 10 eggs, is the default. Use “Settings” to change it to medium (60 seconds) or high (30 seconds).

Timer starts running from the moment the student click on the shaded space.

Click one of these buttons to set the time limit of the game. Move the mouse pointer away from the Setting Box to close it.
Click this button at any time to re-start the game.
Click this button to close this game.
7. Dragonfly

This program opens with an instruction screen. Click on the “Play” button to start the game.

There is a dragonfly and a hand. The hand is the mouse pointer. The student catches the dragonfly by moving the mouse over it and clicking on it. Each time he/she clicks on it, he/she gets a point.

The defaults are slow speed, 10 points, and 30 seconds (Use “Settings” to change them.) The timer starts to count down from the moment the game is opened. If the student gets 10 points in 30 seconds (with default settings), he/she wins and is congratulated. Otherwise, “You missed it” appears on the screen, and the student can click the “Try Again” button.

Click on the “Settings” button to set the “Speed”, “Timer” and “Points to win” settings. Move the mouse pointer away from the Setting Box to close it.
There are three buttons (Slow, Medium, and Fast) to set the speed of the dragonfly. Slow is the default.
There are three selections (30, 45, and 60 seconds). The default is 30 seconds.
Points to win
There are five selections (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 points). The default is 10 points.
Try Again
This button appears at the end of each try. Click on it to play the game again.
Click this button to close the game and return to the “Games” main screen.
8. Skiing

This program opens with an instruction screen. Click on the “Skiing” button to start the game.

Here, the game is skiing. The mouse pointer is the skier; the student can move the skier to the left or to the right, but not up or down. The student should hit the flags and avoid trees and moguls to win. The student gets five points for each flag he/she hits, and loses three points for hitting a mogul and five points for hitting a tree.

Counters show points scored and distance remaining. The student must score 10 points before going 10 km to win.

Try Again
This button appears at the end of each try. Click on it to play the game again.
Click this button to close the game and return to the “Games” main screen.
Click on the title of the game to start the game. These games are designed to develop skills at mouse movement, targeting, and clicking.
Click this button to close this program and to return to the main screen.