
This program helps the student to learn to recognize the Times of the Day. There are seven sub-programs.

Select a program by clicking on the program name at the left of the screen and then clicking the “Enter” button to open the program.

Help Click on the “Help” button to view the help contents. The help file opens in a separate window.
About Click on the “ About ” button to view the profile of this company.
Enter After selecting a sub-program, click on the “ Enter ” button to open the program.
Exit To close this “ Seasons ” program, click on the “ Exit ” button.
Level 1 When this option is selected, one season picture appears at the top of the screen. For “Matching Seasons using Pictures,” and “Matching Seasons using Words” one season picture or word is shown at the bottom of the screen to be matched with the picture at the top, without any distracters. For “Discriminating Seasons”, one season picture appears on the screen. For “Activity for Sequencing the Seasons”, the program asks the student (for instance) “What season comes after spring and summerHelp” The student clicks on fall to answer the question. In this level, the student needs to click only one season to complete the activity.
Level 2 When this option is selected, one season picture appears at the top of the screen. For “Matching Seasons using Pictures”and“ Matching Seasons use Words” two season pictures or words are shown at the bottom of the screen to be matched with the picture at the top. There is one correct choice and one distracter. For “Discriminating Seasons”, two season pictures appear on the screen. The student is instructed to (for instance) “Find spring.” For “Activity for Sequencing the Seasons,” the program asks the student (for instance) “What seasons come after fallHelp” The student clicks on winter and spring to answer the question. In this level, the student needs to click two seasons to complete the activity.
Level 3 When this option is selected, one season picture appears at the top of the screen. For “Matching Seasons using Pictures,” and “Matching Seasons using Words” three season pictures or words are shown at the bottom of the screen to be matched with the picture at the top. There is one correct choice and two distracters. For “Discriminating Seasons”, three season pictures appear on the screen. The student is instructed to (for instance) “Find spring.” For “Activity for Sequencing the Seasons”, the program asks the student (for instance) “What season comes between fall and springHelp” The student clicks on winter to answer the question. In this level, the student needs to click only one season to complete the activity.
Training This option is selected by default. When this is selected, the program can be used to train the student.
Test Select this option to measure the student’s progress. The “Report” button under “Test” mode is enabled. The “Prompt” is disabled.
Report To see the Report for more information.
Screen Display
Display in BIG LETTERS 
This option is selected by default. When this is checked, all letters displayed on the screen will be big or capital letters.
Display in small letters
When this is checked, all letters displayed on the screen will be small.
Prompt with Green/Red Color
This option is selected by default. When this is checked, the correct item becomes green and any incorrect items become red when the mouse pointer goes over them. Uncheck this feature to disable it.
Command Text
This option is selected by default. When this is checked, a short text appears at the bottom of the screen. It tells the student which items to identify. If unchecked, the text won’t be visible. This option is enabled only for “Discriminating the Seasons”, “Matching Seasons using Pictures”, and “Matching Seasons using Words”.
This is checked by default. If the student fails to match the correct season picture within ten seconds, the program guides him/her to the correct season picture. This is available for “Training” mode but disabled for “Test” mode.
Uncheck this box if the prompt is not needed in “Training” mode.
This option is enabled only for “Discriminating Seasons”, “Matching Seasons using Pictures”, and “Matching Seasons using Words”.
With Blink
This option is selected by default. If the correct season picture is not chosen after ten seconds, it blinks.
With Label
The names of the seasons appear below the pictures.
With Animation
If the correct season picture is not chosen after ten seconds, an animation appears (the correct season animates).
Congratulatory Animation
This box is checked by default. This is available only for the “Training” mode. When this is checked, clicking the correct season invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.
Uncheck the box if the student doesn’t need congratulatory animation.

These sub-programs are:

This program has three features. They are “Names of the Seasons”, “Spelling the Names of the Seasons” and “Description of the Seasons”.

Names of the Seasons

This feature names the four seasons (fall, winter, spring and summer)..

Spelling the Names of the Seasons

This feature helps to spell the words for all four seasons..

Description of the Seasons

This describes the seasons and illustrates the seasons with animation.
Auto Play
Check this box to run the “Seasons of the Year” program automatically; the student can just sit back and watch. To stop the automatic run, check box for “Display when mouse is over Seasons”

Display when mouse is over the Seasons 

When this box is checked, the student moves the mouse to any of the seasons. If “Description of the Seasons” is also checked, clicking on the season will display a description and a picture illustrating the seasons.


Click on the “ Done ” button to close “ Seasons of the Year ” and return to the main program.

This program asks the student to spell the names of the seasons by typing the letters. The name of the season that needs to be spelled will be highlighted on the left of the screen. Training/Test, Screen Display (Display in BIG LETTERS/Display in small letters), and Congratulatory Animation can be selected for this program in the Settings screen.

To see the Settings for more information


Click on the “Done” button to close “ Activity for Spelling the Seasons ” and return to the main program.

This program helps the student to sequence the seasons. Level 1/Level 2/Level 3, Training/Test, Screen Display (Display in BIG LETTERS/Display in small letters), Prompt with Green/Red Color, and Congratulatory Animation can be selected for this program in the Settings screen.


Click on the “Done” button to close “Activity for Sequencing the Seasons” and return to the main program

Here, the program will ask the student to identify a season. The student is asked to find and click on the correct picture shown on the screen.

The default selections for this program are: Level 3, Training Mode, Display in BIG LETTERS, Prompt with Green/Red Color, and Congratulatory Animation.


Click on the “Done” button to close “ Discriminating the Seasons ” and return to the main program.

In “Matching Seasons Using Pictures” a season picture is shown at the top of the screen. The student is asked to click on the matching season picture shown among others at the bottom of the screen.

The default selections for this program are: Level 3, Training Mode, Display in BIG LETTERS, Prompt with Green/Red Color, and Congratulatory Animation.


Click on the “Done” button to close “ Matching Seasons using Pictures ” and return to the main program.

This program runs like “Matching Seasons Using Pictures,” but instead of pictures, words that name seasons are used. The student is required to click on the correct word which represents the season shown on top of the screen.

The default selections for this program are: Level 3, Training Mode, Display in BIG LETTERS, Prompt with Blink and Congratulatory Animation.


Click on the “Done” button to close “Matching Seasons using Words” and return to the main program.