Sentence Maker

This program teaches students to make words from letters and then to make sentences from words.

The student first sees the letters of a word in their correct order. The student then moves the letters into spaces provided to form the word. The student next sees the letters “scrambled,” i.e. in random disorder. The student then puts the letters in order in the spaces provided to form the word. After that, the student sees scrambled letters with distracters, and must choose correct letter in the correct order to make the word.


This program contains 24 chapters. The first chapter is “Word formation”.
The subject “Boy” and “Training” mode are selected by default.



Click on the “Help” button to view the help contents. The help file opens in a separate window.



Click on the “About” button to view the profile of this company.



After selecting a chapter by clicking on it, click on the “Enter” button to open the chapter.



To close this “Sentence Maker” program, click on the “Exit” button.
The Training mode is selected by default. This program trains students to make words from letters and then to make sentences from words.
Test and Report

Here, the student can test him/herself. After the student has completed a test activity, the user can go to the main screen and click on the “Report” button (located under the “Test” button near the top right corner of the main screen). A screen with a brief test grade for the latest test activity will appear. To see detailed scores for the ten tests, click on the “View Old Record” button. The report has “Print” and “Delete” buttons.


This program uses five items to teach words and sentence formation. These are Boy, Girl, Ball, Cup, and Dog. Click on the subject to use it for training in the “Sentence Maker” program.
This program always begins with the Introduction Screen. The Introduction Screen shows the subject(s) (Boy, Girl, Ball, Cup, or Dog) that will be used in the chapter and indicates what activity will be followed in this chapter.
Next Chapter
This button takes the student to the next chapter.
Previous Chapter
This button takes the student to the previous chapter.
Next Activity

This button takes the student to the next activity in the same chapter.
Previous Activity
This button takes the student to the previous activity in the same chapter.
Start Activity

This button takes the student to the first activity of the current chapter from the introduction screen.

The student can select any chapter from the main menu of “Sentence Maker” and click the “Enter” button, to go the chapter that has been selected.

The chapters and their descriptions are as follows:

The picture of the selected object is shown on the screen. The name of the object appears below the picture. The program spells the name by saying the letters in order. Each letter changes color as it is named.

The student is then asked to spell the word by clicking on each letter in order, left to right. Each letter changes color as the student clicks on it. The program says the name of the letter at the same time. When the word is complete, the program pronounces the word and then spells it again.

Click on the “Start Activity” button to move to the first stage in Chapter 1. A picture of the boy, girl, ball, cup, or dog appears at the top of the screen. Under the picture, the name of the item in the picture appears. An empty underline appears below each letter, and the letters appear again below these underlines. The student is asked to match the word by clicking on the correct letters from left to right. As the student clicks on each letter at the bottom of the screen, the letter moves up to fill one of the empty underlines.

Click on the “Next Activity” button to move to the next stage in Chapter 1. Here, the name of the object appears below the picture, but this time in gray (dimmed). Again, an empty underline appears below each letter, and the letters appear again below these underlines. Again, the student is asked to match the word by clicking on the correct letters from left to right.

Click on the “Next Activity” button to move to the third stage in Chapter 1. Here, the name of the object appears below the picture, but this time dark and blinking. Again, an empty underline appears below each letter, and the letters appear again below these underlines. Again, the student is asked to match the word by clicking on the correct letters from left to right.

To move to Chapter 2, click on the “Next Chapter” button.

Stages 1 to 3 of Chapter 2 resemble Stages 1 to 3 of Chapter 1, except that the letters at the bottom of the screen are no longer in the correct order. They are scrambled.

Stages 1 to 3 of Chapter 2 resemble Stages 1 to 3 of Chapter 1 , except that the letters at the bottom of the screen are no longer in the correct order, and there are additional extraneous letters (distracters).

The picture of the selected item is shown at the top. The word (name of the item) is shown at the bottom, along with two other words (distracters).

Here the student is asked to find the correct word and click on it. When the correct word is clicked on, it moves up. If the wrong word is clicked, the computer says so, and waits until the correct one is clicked. The computer will prompt another try, and the student will keep selecting same word until the student clicks the “Next Chapter” button to advance to the next chapter.

This chapter shows a picture of an object at the top of the screen. Below the picture, a simple sentence states what that picture is. Under the printed sentence are empty underlines for each of the words in the sentence.

The printed words which form the sentence are shown again at the bottom of the screen. The student is asked to click each word of the sentence in order, left to right. As the student clicks a word, the program pronounces the word. As the words are clicked, they move up to fill the empty spaces. When the sentence is complete, the program reads the sentence.

If student clicks on the correct words, the program congratulates the student and prompts the student to continue. If the student clicks on a wrong word, the program says “wrong”.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

Here the words of the sentence are scrambled, i.e. in random order. The student is requested to click on the scrambled words in the correct order to form the sentence. In all other ways, this chapter resembles Chapter 5.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter

This chapter resembles chapter 5. The words are shown in the correct order. The sentence describes one property of the object, such as “The ball is red”.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

Here the words of the sentence are scrambled, i.e. in random order. The student is requested to click on the scrambled words in correct order in which they form the sentence. In all other ways, this chapter resembles Chapter 7.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter

This chapter resembles chapter 8. The words are shown in the correct order. The sentence names the object and an action, such as “The ball is rolling”.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

Here the words of the sentence are scrambled, i.e. in random order. The student is requested to click on the scrambled words in the correct to form the sentence. In all other ways, this chapter resembles Chapter 9.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

Chapter 11 is similar to Chapter 1 except that the word is a plural and the picture shows more than one of the object(s) named.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

Chapter 12 is similar to Chapter 11 except that the letters are scrambled.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

Chapter 13 resembles Chapter 12, except that there are additional extraneous letters (distracters) among the scrambled letters of the word.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

Chapter 14 resembles Chapter 5 (Sentence formation), except that here the object nouns are plural.

Chapter 14 is similar to Chapter 5 (Sentence formation), except that the word is a plural and the picture shows more than one of the object(s) named.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

Chapter 15 resembles Chapter 14, except that here the words of the sentence are scrambled, i.e. in random order.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

This chapter resembles chapter 7 except that the word is a plural and the picture shows more than one of the object(s) named. The words are shown in the correct order. The sentence describes one property of the object, such as “The balls are red.”

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

Chapter 17 resembles Chapter 16, except that here the words of the sentence are scrambled, i.e. in random order.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

The past tense sentence appears at the bottom of the screen. If the student clicks on the words in the correct order, the animation (showing the action) and the activity will continue. (Click on the “Next Activity” button to have next past tense sentence.) If the student clicks on a word in the wrong order, the program says “wrong”.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

This chapter resembles Chapter 18, except that here the words of the sentence are scrambled, i.e. in random order. The student should select the words in the correct order.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

Here, four pictures are shown at the top of the screen, with the words (naming the item in the picture) under the picture. The student is asked to find the word. The student clicks on the correct word or words (it may appear more than once). There are also distracters (incorrect words and pictures). When a correct answer is clicked, the word turns green, there is an animation, and a congratulatory message is heard.

If the wrong word is clicked, the program says “no” and the incorrect word turns red.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

The selected object is shown on the screen. Underneath is a rectangle with the word and distracters. The rectangle may have meaningful sentences that include the word, or may have nonsense words as distracters. In either case, the student is asked to find the correct word. If the student clicks the correct word, the program congratulates the student and colors the word green. If the wrong word is clicked, the program says “wrong” and colors the incorrect word red.

Clicking the “Next Activity” button will reset the activity with new distracters.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

The future tense sentence appears at the bottom of the screen. If the student clicks on the words in the correct order, then the action named will take place. For instance, the sentence will say, “The ball will roll.” After the sentence is completed, the ball in the picture rolls. (Click on the “Next Activity” button to have next future tense sentence.) If the student clicks on a word in the wrong order, the program says “wrong”.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter. 

This chapter resembles Chapter 22, except that here the words of the sentence are scrambled, i.e. in random order. The student should select the words in the correct order.

Click on the “Next Chapter” button to move to the next chapter.

This chapter illustrates future, present and past tenses. This chapter illustrates the tenses through pictures and animations, and is meant to be self-explanatory. The student can hear the words of each sentence by clicking on them.