
This program helps teach students about Subtraction. There are nine sub-programs.

Select a program by clicking on the option and then click the “Enter” button to open the program.


Click on the “Help” button to view the help contents. The help file opens in a separate window.


Click on the “About” button to view the profile of this company.


After selecting a sub-program, click on the “Enter” button to open the program.


To close this “Actions” program, click on the “Exit” button.

Note: In most of our matching and activity programs, the student must wait until the command voice has finished before he/she clicks on the object. For instance, the voice must finish “Match catching” before the student clicks on the catching picture. (If the student clicks on the catching picture before the voice command is finished, nothing will happen.) Therefore the teacher/parent needs to instruct the student to wait for the voice command to finish.

These sub-programs are:

Select the option “Playing with Subtraction Table” and click on the “Enter” button to open this program

Here, we will use a subtraction table to help the student subtract numbers. The student puts the mouse on a number in the table (for instance, 6). The program highlights the 6 and shows a line to the left leading to the number 10 in the left-most column and also shows a line to the 4 in the top row. The number statement at the bottom reads “10 – 4 = 6” and the computer voice says “ten minus four is six.” The student can do this as many times as he/she wants to with as many different answers as he/she chooses.

Auto Play
Check the “Auto Play” box to run the “Playing with Subtraction Table” program automatically. The program will choose the answer to the subtraction problem and show the number statement at the bottom of the screen and will say the number statement. The student can just sit back and watch, listen and learn. To stop the Auto Play, uncheck the box.
Click on “Subtraction Using Subtraction Table” and then click the “Enter” button to open this program. An incomplete number statement (for instance, 9 – 1 =) appears at top of the screen. The program tells the student to click on the first number (9) which is highlighted in red in the left column, and then to click on the second number (1) which is highlighted in green in the top row. The answer (8) now gets a blue highlight, and the program tells the student to click on the answer. The answer moves up into the missing space in the number statement, and the program voice says “nine minus one is eight.”
This option is selected by default. When this is selected, the program can be used to train the student.
Select this option to measure the student’s progress. The “Report” button under “Test” mode is enabled. The color prompts are disabled
This displays results of the Test.
Vertical Subtraction 
If this is selected then the number statement at the top of the screen will be arranged vertically.
Horizontal Subtraction 
If this is selected then the number statement at the top of the screen will be arranged horizontally.
Congratulatory Animation 
This box is checked by default. This is available only for the “Training” mode. When this is checked, clicking the correct number invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.
Select All 
If this is selected, then any and all of the numbers in this box will be used. To deselect this choice, click it again and selection will be ended.
Select Random Numbers 
If this is selected, then the program will choose the numbers to be used in the problems.
Click on the “Done” button to close the program.
This program uses the number line to help the student understand subtraction. For instance, if the problem is 9 – 3 = ?, the program will tell the student to click on the first number (9) and a yellow bar will highlight all the spaces on the number line up to the 9. The program will then tell the student to click on each of the next 3 numbers to the left of the 9. These 3 spaces will be highlighted in red, and will show that the answer to the problem is 6. After clicking on these two numbers, the student will be told to click on the Done button. This program subtracts only single-digit numbers.
This option is selected by default. When this is selected, the program can be used to train the student.

Select this option to measure the student’s progress. The “Report” button under “Test” mode is enabled. The color prompts are disabled.

This displays results of the Test.
Display Numbers in Colors
If this is selected then the first number in the number statement will be displayed in yellow and the second number in red.
Command Text
If this is selected then the verbal instructions given by the program voice will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Congratulatory Animation 
This box is checked by default. This is available only for the “Training” mode. When this is checked, clicking the correct number invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.
Select All 
If this is selected, then any and all of the numbers in this box will be used. To deselect this choice, click it again and selection will be ended.
Congratulatory Animation
This box is checked by default. This is available only for the “Training” mode. When this is checked, clicking the correct action invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.
Select Random Numbers
If this is selected, then the program will choose the numbers to be used in the problems.
In this program subtraction is illustrated by taking away numbers of objects. If, for instance, the subtraction problem (which appears at the top of the screen) is 8 – 2 = ? the student will be told to click on the blinking number 8. Eight apples will rise from the group at the bottom of the screen to the space under the 8. Now the second number (2) will be blinking and the student will be told to click on the blinking number. Two apples from among the eight at the top of the screen (the last two) will be numbered 1 and 2, and they will start to blink. The program voice will tell the student to “Click the blinking apples one by one.” When each numbered blinking apple is clicked, it will descend into a basket on the bottom right hand side of the screen. The remaining apples at the top of the screen under the 8 will start to blink one by one, and the student will count these remaining apples by clicking on each one. (As the student clicks on each apple it will change from a red apple to a green apple and get a number) After all the apples are green and numbered, the screen voice will tell the student to click on the last numbered apple (6). The answer (6) will rise into the answer space. The program voice will say “Yes eight minus two is 6.” This program uses only numbers from 1 to 10.
Select All 
If this is selected, then any and all of the numbers in this box will be used. To deselect this choice, click it again and selection will be ended.
Select Random Numbers
If this is selected, then the program will choose the numbers to be used in the problems.
Congratulatory Animation 
This box is checked by default. This is available only for the “Training” mode. When this is checked, clicking the correct number invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.
In this program a subtraction problem (for instance, 6 – 1 =) appears at the top of the screen with the answer space blank. Four numbers are the bottom of the screen. The program voice says “Six minus one is how much? Click the correct answer.” If the student clicks the correct answer, the number rises to fill the answer space and the voice says “Six minus one is five.” If the student needs more help in understanding the problem, the teacher or student can click on “help” at the bottom of the screen and then choose from the menu of help options which include Number Line Method, Subtraction Table, and Taking Away Objects.
This option is selected by default. When this is selected, the program can be used to train the student.
Select this option to measure the student’s progress. The “Report” button under “Test” mode is enabled. The color prompts are disabled.
This displays results of the Test.
Vertical Subtraction 
If this is selected then the number statement at the top of the screen will be arranged vertically.
Horizontal Subtraction 
If this is selected then the number statement at the top of the screen will be arranged horizontally.
Command Text
If this is selected then the verbal instructions given by the program voice will appear at the bottom of the screen
This is checked by default. If the student fails to find the correct answer within ten seconds, the program guides him/her to the correct choice by making the correct choice blink. This is available for “Training” mode but disabled for “Test” mode.
Uncheck this box if the prompt is not needed in “Training” mode.
Congratulatory Animation
This box is checked by default. This is available only for the “Training” mode. When this is checked, clicking the correct number invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.
Select All 
If this is selected, then any and all of the numbers in this box will be used. To deselect this choice, click it again and selection will be ended.
Select Random Numbers
If this is selected, then the program will choose the numbers to be used in the problems.
Number Line Method
Subtraction Table
Taking Away Objects
In this program there is a subtraction problem at the top of the screen with the second number blank. The program voice says (for instance) “Seven minus what makes three? Click the correct answer.” There are four numbers at the bottom of the screen, and the student should click the correct choice from among them. If the student clicks the correct number, the voice says “Yes, seven minus four equals three.”
This option is selected by default. When this is selected, the program can be used to train the student.

Select this option to measure the student’s progress. The “Report” button under “Test” mode is enabled. The color prompts are disabled.

This displays results of the Test.
Vertical Subtraction
If this is selected then the number statement at the top of the screen will be arranged vertically.
Horizontal Subtraction
If this is selected then the number statement at the top of the screen will be arranged horizontally.
This is checked by default. If the student fails to find the correct answer within ten seconds, the program guides him/her to the correct choice by making the correct choice blink. This is available for “Training” mode but disabled for “Test” mode.
Uncheck this box if the prompt is not needed in “Training” mode.
Congratulatory Animation 
If this is selected, then any and all of the numbers in this box will be used. To deselect this choice, click it again and selection will be ended.
Select Random Numbers
If this is selected, then the program will choose the numbers to be used in the problems
In this program the student clicks on numbers or the minus sign as guided by the computer. This will help the student to learn to do the proper steps in the correct order.
Display Numbers in Colors
If this is selected then the numbers in the hundreds column will be highlighted in yellow, the numbers in the tens column in blue, and the numbers in the units column in pink. This is intended to help the student understand where each of the numbers should be placed.
This is checked by default.
Command Text 
If this is selected then the verbal instructions given by the program voice will appear at the bottom of the screen
Congratulatory Animation 
This box is checked by default. This is available only for the “Training” mode. When this is checked, clicking the correct number invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press the space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.
Subtract a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number
Subtract a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number
Subtract a 1 digit number from a 3 digit number
Subtract a 2 digit number from a 3 digit number
Subtract a 3 digit number from a 3 digit number
Random Selection from these choices
In this program there is a number statement (for instance, 7 – 3 =) at the top of the screen. There is also a calculator in the lower part of the screen. The student should click on the numbers and symbols shown in the number statement. If the student clicks on the calculator keys correctly, the complete number statement (7 – 3 = 4) will appear at the top of the screen.
Single Digit Subtraction
This subtracts single-digit numbers from larger numbers.
Double Digit Subtraction
This subtracts double-digit numbers from larger numbers.
Single and Double Digit Subtraction
This subtracts double-digit numbers from larger numbers.
When this is selected the program voice will guide the student.
Display Numbers only
When this is selected the calculator display will show only the number that the student has clicked.
Display Number Statement
When this is selected the calculator display will show the numbers and symbol in the number statement.
In this program, a square appears with numbers along the left side and along the top. Each of the numbers on the left side becomes the first number in a subtraction problem and each of the numbers on the top is the second number. On the bottom of the screen are several numbers which are the answers to the subtraction problems. The student should click and drag the correct answer to the subtraction problem made by the numbers on the left of and above one of the empty squares in the puzzle. The student drops the correct answer into this empty square and continues clicking and dragging and dropping until all the squares are filled.
Table Setup
These settings determine the size of the Table Puzzle that the student will try to solve. For example, if 2 x 2 (the simplest) is chosen there will be two numbers along the left side of the square and two along the top of the square, with four empty boxes to be filled with correct answers. If 5 x 5 (the most challenging) is chosen, there will be five numbers along the left side and the top and there will be 25 empty boxes to be filled.
This selects the numbers that can go in the left hand column (first number in the subtraction problem) next to the puzzle.
This selects the numbers that can go in the top row (second number in the subtraction problem) above the puzzle.