Telling Time

This program helps the student to understand the time and clocks. There are five sub-programs.

Select a program by clicking on the program name at the left of the screen and then clicking the “Enter” button to open the program.


Click on the “About” button to view the profile of this company.


Click on the “Help” button to view the help contents. The Help file opens in a separate window. Click on the “Close” button in the Help file window to close the Help file.


Click on the “Enter” button to go to the program screen.


To close this program, click on the “Exit” button.

These sub-programs are:

This program shows a clock face (for instance, showing one o’clock). It also shows the same time in a digital (1:00). The program voice says “one o’clock”. This program can be set to show different times by using the settings screen. This program will help the student learn to tell time.


Type of Clock


This is the default setting. It shows a standard clock face.

This is a digital clock. It shows the time in numerals.

Digital Font

When this is selected, the digital display will show dot matrix numbers.

Clock Numerals

Arabic (1, 2, 3…)

This is the default setting. It shows a standard clock face with Arabic numerals.

Roman (I, II, III…)

When this is selected, it shows a standard clock face with Roman numerals.

Display Minutes

This option will be enabled only when the “Type of Clock” is Analog. When this is selected, the clock face will show five one-minute intervals between numerals.

Time Settings

This controls the time shown on the clock face. The teacher/parent can select one of 14 selections at a time. If the teacher selects 1 min, the clock face will show 1:01, then 2:01, then 3:01 etc. If the teacher selects 5 min, the clock face will show 1:05, 2:05… “Current Time” will show the computer time.

This program shows a clock face and a Command Text under the clock face. The Command Text and the voice ask the student to set a time (for instance 8:05). The student needs to press the “+” button at the bottom of the screen. Each time, the clock will advance one hour. When the clock gets to the right time, the student presses the “Finished” button.



This option is selected by default. When this is selected, the program can be used to train the student.


Select this option to measure the student’s progress. The “Report” button under “Test” mode is enabled. The “Prompt” option is disabled.


To see the Report for more information, click here .

Type of Clock


This is the default setting. It shows a standard clock face.


This is a digital clock. It shows the time in numerals.

    Digital Font

     When this is selected, the digital display will show dot matrix numbers.

Clock Numerals

Arabic (1, 2, 3…)

This is the default setting. It shows a standard clock face with Arabic numerals.

Roman (I, II, III…)

When this is selected, it shows a standard clock face with Roman numerals.

Display Minutes

This option will be enabled, when the “type of Clock” is Analog. When this is selected, the clock face will show five one-minute intervals between numerals..

Command Text

This option is selected by default. When this is checked, a short text appears at the bottom of the screen. It tells the student which time to set. If unchecked, the text won’t be visible.

Congratulatory Animation

This box is checked by default. This is available only for the “Training” mode. When this is checked, a correct answer invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press the space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.

Uncheck the box if the student doesn’t need congratulatory animation

Time Settings

In this program, the student must advance the clock to reach a selected time. The teacher/parent can select one of 14 selections at a time. If the teacher selects 1 Min, the program will ask the student to “Show (for instance) 8:01”. The clock face will start with 12:01. By pressing the “+” button, the student will advance the time to 1:01, then 2:01, then 3:01 etc. until it reaches the correct time. When the student reaches the correct time, he/she needs to presses the “Finished” button to complete the exercise.

A clock face without numbers appears on the screen. Numbers appear at bottom of the screen. “Command Text” and the voice ask the student to “Put number (for instance) 3 on the clock”. Depending on the (Mouse Event) setting, the student either clicks the number or clicks, drags, and clicks to drop the number in the right place.



This option is selected by default. When this is selected, the program can be used to train the student.


Select this option to measure the student’s progress. The “Report” button under “Test” mode is enabled. The “Prompt” option is disabled.

To see the Report for more information, click here.
Clock Numerals

Arabic (1, 2, 3…) 

This is the default setting. It shows a standard clock face with Arabic numerals.

Roman (I, II, III…)

When this is selected, it shows a standard clock face with Roman numerals.

Mouse Event


This is the default setting. If the student clicks on the correct number, it moves to the right location on the clock face.

Click, Move, and Click to Drop

If this is checked, the student must click on the number, move it to the right spot, and click to drop it there.

Number Selection

This chooses the numbers to put onto the blank clock face. The choices are

3, 6, 9, 12;

1, 2, 3 …12;


In “Matching Time Analog vs. Analog” a clock face is shown at the top of the screen. The student is asked to click on the matching clock face shown among others at the bottom of the screen.

The default selections for this program are: Level 3, Training Mode, Arabic Numerals, Similar Clock, Command Text, and Prompt with Blink, Congratulatory Animation and Select All.


Level 1

When this option is selected, one clock face appears at the top of the screen. One lock face is shown at the bottom of the screen to be matched with the one at the top, without any distracter.

Level 2

When this option is selected, one clock face appears at the top of the screen. Two clock faces are shown at the bottom of the screen to be matched with the one at the top of the screen. There is one correct choice and one distracter.

Level 3

This level is selected by default. One clock face appears at the top of the screen. Three clock faces are shown at the bottom of the screen to be matched with the one at the top of the screen. Among the three are one correct choice and two distracters.


This option is selected by default. When this is selected, the program can be used to train the student.


Select this option to measure the student’s progress. The “Report” button under “Test” mode is enabled. The “Prompt” option is disabled.

To see the Report for more information, click here.

Clock Numerals

Arabic (1, 2, 3…)

This is the default setting. It shows a standard clock face with Arabic numerals.

Roman (I, II, III…)

When this is selected, it shows a standard clock face with Roman numerals.

Type of Clock

Similar Clock

Clock faces at the top and bottom of the screen have the same shape and type face.

Different Clock

Clock faces at the top and bottom of the screen have the different shapes and type faces.

Clock Settings

The teacher/parent can select any of the time intervals (15 min, 30 min, 45 min, and 1 hr) to set the matching activities.

Select All

Check this box to select all time intervals . Uncheck to deselect.


Click on the “Done” button to close “ Matching Time Analog vs. Analog” and return to the main program

This program runs like “Matching Time Analog vs. Analog,” but instead of clock face at the bottom of the screen there will be digital clock readouts. In the setting, “Type of Clock” will not be part of this program.

The default selections for this program are: Level 3, Training Mode, Arabic Numerals, Command Text, and Prompt with Blink, Congratulatory Animation and Select All.


Click on the “Done” button to close “ Matching Time Analog vs. Digital” and return to the main program.